
Richard Johnson August Blog


01 August 2019

It was great to hit the 50-winner mark for the season, at Perth yesterday, riding two more winners for Gordon Elliott. Both Braid Blue and Creadan Grae are now 2-from-2 at the track.  

I’ve been lucky enough to have plenty of rides with Olly Murphy and Gordon over the summer – and it was a great to hit the first landmark of the season, within the first three months.  

The next goal is to get to 100 – with hope of hitting the 200 mark, as I did last year, for the third time in my career. 

I’ll head to Bangor tomorrow, to ride Quivvy Lough, for Olly. Another good chance to add to my tally. 

What Will Be is my final ride - at Market Rasen, on Sunday – before a 9-day break. Again, I hope it’ll be a winner, for Olly. 

All the horses have come back into training looking well. The sunshine and nice grass over the summer has done them the world of good.  

The first lot – ground dependent – will be ready to run in around ten weeks time. Following my break, the focus will be shifted onto what I hope will be another good winter.  

I’m looking forward to returning to busy mornings, working across several yards. 

However, it has been really nice to have chance to spend time with the children, while they’re off school – riding out in the mornings and taking them to pony club.  

Although I am a jumps man, I have really appreciated seeing horses run on the flat for longer than they have generally done in the past. 

In flat racing, horses seem to be here one minute, and gone the next. It has been really nice to see superstars such as Enable and Stradivarius train on – allowing people to really fall in love with them.  

Frankie Dettori is ‘riding on the crest of a wave’ at the moment – it is great to see!  


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