
Message For Owners Chepstow Unibet Jump Season Opener


02 October 2020

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has affected the owners experience, particularly in Wales.

In summary, Welsh Government regulations allow gatherings of up to 30 people for the same purpose but it has to be outside. We are therefore having to limit the number of owners who can attend to two people. Owners should arrive 30 minutes before their horse is scheduled to run and leave no more than 30 minutes after the race. This minimises the risk of the racecourse reaching the 30 person limit.  

We are in regular contact with Welsh Government, along with BHA, and will continue to make the case to allow more owners to attend fixtures in Wales.

Owners who live in a local lockdown area in Wales are not allowed to attend and owners living in a local lockdown area England need to adhere to the advice given by their local authority. 

We advise that you bring evidence of your home address if you are planning to come to Chepstow. Strict protocols will be in place to ensure the health and wellbeing of all owners. 

Face masks are required on arrival only, and all attendees will be required to utilise the NHS Track and Trace QR code at the racecourse entrance. We will, of course, ensure indoor toilet facilities are available.  

A complimentary afternoon tea box, soup, tea, coffee and water will be available on the day. There is a cash bar. There is also big screen, a covered outdoor seating area over-looking the course and a position to talk to your trainer before and after the race.

Pre-registration is essential. This process will be administered by the RCA’s Privilege Access Swipe System (PASS) Further information will be sent to owners when their horse is declared to run. 

Suffice to say, once local restrictions are loosened, we very much looking to welcoming more owners on site and improving the on-course experience for all.  We are incredibly grateful for your support of Chepstow Racecourse throughout these difficult times.

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