
Owners Update – November 2020


06 November 2020

We are pleased that owners are able to attend racing at Chepstow on Monday 9th November. As part of owners returning Welsh Government regulations limit the number of owners able to attend to a total of 45 across the entire race day. In addition to this only 15 owners can be situated inside, with the remaining 30 owners outside (there is a marquee roof in case it rains).

In order to manage this as fairly as possible, owners will be allocated badges on a first come first served basis after 10am on the day of declarations. The first 15 owners to register their interest directly with us will be located inside and the remaining 30 owners will be located outside.

To assist us in logging the received enquiries correctly owners will not be able to book badges via PASS but must e-mail Lucy Newman after 10am on the day of declarations –  We are allowing a maximum of two badges per horse.  The badges will then be allocated on to the PASS system and will be available for owners to print off at home. If you could please provide your name(s), postcode and PASS number(s) in your email that would be much appreciated and will enable us to allocate the badges accordingly. 

Once the allocation of 45 badges has been reached, we will be unable take anymore bookings. 

Owners will not be restricted in terms of time spent on the racecourse, however in line with the revised rules in England, no food or alcohol will be available. Hot and cold drinks will be available and there will be a big screen to enhance viewing for owners.

Face coverings must be worn at all times and temperature checks will take place on entry.

Unfortunately, owners from England are not currently permitted to attend Welsh racecourses and we will ask that the attending owners’ postcode is provided in the badge request and proof of address may be asked for on arrival at the course. 

We are in constant communication with the Welsh Government regarding these rules and the team at Chepstow would like to thank owners for their understanding and continued support in these difficult circumstances.

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